Here are 7 things to do in Milton Keynes during lockdown 2.0

    During lockdown 1.0, it was time to adjust and now in lockdown 2.0 perhaps it’s time for some fresh ideas to boost your day.

    On the whole, making a to-do list, learning something new, or simply reading and escaping into a good story often helps to give our day some variety.

    In the meantime, here are a few further ideas that might help you to sail through the next couple of weeks.

    Go through your collections

    We love this one because it means so many things to so many people. Here are just a few examples:

    • video games
    • music collections
    • cards
    • photos
    • magazines

    Collecting things roots all the way back from our hunter-gatherer days, where we’d collect nuts and berries just to store them!

    Anything goes when it comes to collecting things.  Dig out your old collections and have a nostalgic day with yourself. If you prefer exploring online, there are also collectors club websites to discover.

    Find an E-scooter and go for a 10-minute ride!

    In August, Milton Keynes Council wheeled out a trial E-scooter scheme as part of an innovative national scheme, working with E-transport companies, Lime, Spin and Ginger.  

    To help you find out more, we found this really helpful FAQ’s page from MK Council

    Tidy your space

    Whether it’s your room, a shelf, the wardrobe, it might be fair to say that living at home 24/7 can seriously require a bit or organisation or a de-clutter. The best way to start this is to have 4 different bags, one ‘to keep stuff', another for ‘keep stuff for 6 more months’ then one for ‘recycling/charity’ and one for ‘dispose’. Here’s a handy recycling guide from MK Council.

    Tidy up your apps

    This is one of those little jobs that can take a couple of days depending on how many apps you have on your devices! Delete any apps that are not in use and go about grouping apps into categories such as, finance, take-outs, games, travel, and groceries.

    Have a stick and glue session

    Anything goes here, from cutting up magazines to making a collage or mood board.

    Some of the best stick & glue sessions will use text, images, photographs, fabrics, in fact materials of any kind like sweet wrappers, string, even dried pasta. Just let your imagination go wild! Alternatively, why not search the web for your nearest local art centre and browse their online galleries. Some are offering online tutorials like the Milton Keynes Art Centre.

    Winter window displays

    Christmas is nice but it’s not always everyone’s best time of year. However, during this lockdown bring a bit of sparkle during the darker nights by digging out any decorations and give a window display a go! You may like to start your own neighbourhood trail or join something such as the Big Neighbourhood Winter Windowland Trail from Arts Adventures.  

    Pop outside for some fresh air

    An interesting article in the Financial Times recently suggested the design of Milton Keynes is worthy for future town planning to manage health pandemics.  We know being outside is good for our health and wellbeing and the layout of Milton Keynes perhaps helps.

    Across Milton Keynes we have hundreds of miles of footways and Redways. Some of our favourite Autumn walks around Milton Keynes include the Gyosei Art Trail located along both sides of the Grand Union Canal, between Monks Way (H3) and Portway (H5).

    Through Pennyland, Willen Park and Downhead Park.

    We also like the self-guided walks suggested by The Parks Trust. These routes also cover the surrounding villages, offering a range of distances and are ready to download.

    If you have any interesting ideas, we would love to hear from you.

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