Help Milton Keynes-based charity receive £1,000 each

    Two Milton Keynes-based charities are asking residents to help them clear away the beach in Centre: MK in order to receive £1,000 each, which will go towards supporting the charity.

    Medical Detection Dogs and The Henry Allen Trust are seeking 50 volunteers on Sunday, September 1, to help staff clear away the Centre: MK beach and make a difference in the community.

    If the two charities can get enough volunteers together to clear the beach, a generous donation of £1,000 will be given to each charity from JNRS Events and Keith Emmett & Sons. 

    Volunteers are encouraged to bring their friends and family and make a day of it. There will be opportunities to meet new friends, all whilst contributing to a great cause.

    Anyone aged 16 and over is welcome to volunteer. Snacks and drinks will be provided to contributors.

    Start time is 6pm and please bring a shovel!

    Every pair of hands counts!

    If you are interested, please email or message on 07469195386 

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