The Head of the Open University's Laboratory Facilities, Julia Barkans, has won an international award in ‘Excellence in Lab Leadership’.
Julia is responsible for the lab infrastructure, managing the budget to run and maintain it, overseeing the all-important Health & Safety and managing 63 technical staff.
On the win and what makes a good leader, Julia said: “I was absolutely delighted. I am so honoured to have been nominated for this award by my team."
Julia was presented her award at The Open University campus by Kerri Mack from Lab Manager, accompanied by Nick Braithwaite, Executive Dean of the STEM faculty and Tim Blackman, Vice-Chancellor of the OU.
Kerri Mack said: “As one of the judges on the panel I was so impressed with the diligence that Julia has clearly shown and her leadership. And that’s what really stood out, the difference between leadership and management. And that you inspire the people around you.
“I don’t want anyone to recognise this as anything other than what is it as an international award in Julia’s ability to lead safe laboratories.
“It was well earned and although the award talks about much deliberation, for Julia’s particular award, there wasn’t any. She was a very clear winner. Congratulations Julia.”
Scott Hanton, Editorial Director, Lab Manager, said: “Lab Manager is very pleased to present you with the Excellence in Lab Leadership award as part of our inaugural Leadership Excellence Awards competition. There were many qualified entrants, and after significant deliberation, our panel of judges selected you [Julia] as the best example of leadership from the pool of contestants.
“Our readership represents leaders working in a wide variety of laboratory types, industries and sizes, and leaders who manage a small team with limited budget or a robust team with many stakeholders – the common thread is individuals such as yourself who go above and beyond to ensure the success of their staff and their organisation’s mission."