Free adult poetry workshop to take place in Milton Keynes park

    The Parks Trust will be hosting a free adult poetry workshop on Tuesday between 10am and 12pm.

    This year, The Parks Trust is hosting their very first poetry competition to celebrate the completion of the restoration project at Great Linford Manor Park.

    The competition is open to three categories; primary (aged 5-11), secondary (aged 11-18) and adult (aged 18+).

    On Tuesday 14th June, the charity is hosting a free workshop to help residents prepare and gain inspiration to write their own competition entry.

    MK Poet Laureate Mark Niel will be at Great Linford Manor Park hosting the workshop with other budding poets.

    Mark Niel was named as Milton Keynes' first poet laureate back in 2011, and has gone on to win many poetry slams. 

    Residents taking part in the workshop will get to:

    • Take a guided walk around the newly restored Manor Park
    • Learn about different types of poetry
    • Explore the competition's theme of 'water'
    • Take part in writing exercises
    • Hear Mark Niel recite his poem 'The People's Spring' inspired by the Manor Park

    Booking is required for the event, you can find out more here.

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