A new crackdown to catch and prosecute fly tippers in MK, backed up by CCTV at fly-tipping hotspots was introduced last summer by Councillor Emily Darlington, MK Council Cabinet Member for the Public Realm.
In the last two months alone, MK Council’s Environment Crime Team Unit has issued 17 fixed penalty notices for waste crimes from littering, fly tipping and businesses breaching the duty of care. The majority have been as a direct result of catching offenders on CCTV cameras.
MK Council has a further 21 offences on CCTV currently under investigation and another 10 waiting for a court date. In total, it has 166 open investigations into waste crimes. These crimes are punishable and fines can range from £125 up to £50,000 or 5 years imprisonment.
Cllr Emily Darlington said, “People who fly tip are disregarding the impact it makes on their neighbours and the whole community. It is not a new problem, but we are cracking down with CCTV and officers to find and deal with offenders. Fly tipping is a serious criminal offence, and we can and will prosecute. We currently have 8 prosecutions pending for illegal dumping which will be heard once the courts are operating normally again.”
The council is also urging local people not to fall foul of criminal waste removers as if someone fly tips your rubbish, you could face a court appearance and fine, even if you paid them in good faith. It’s fine to pay people to take away your rubbish - but always consider:
Are they a Registered Waste Carrier with a valid licence?
How much are they charging? If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.
Where do they take their waste? If in doubt, don’t use them.
Have you got a receipt with the carrier’s name and address?
Take a vehicle registration number.
Find out more online at: www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/flytipping
You can check if somebody is a registered waste carrier at: https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/index