Falconhurst School in Eaglestone has been rated ‘Good’ by government inspectors Ofsted after receiving the best report in its history.
In their findings, inspectors said that Falconhurst is a good school where pupils make good progress. They noted the headteacher’s inspirational leadership, and her ambition and vision for the school which is shared by her senior team and governors.
The report also highlighted how pupils enjoy their learning and talk passionately about doing their best; they are proud of their school and enjoy working together; and the school is a safe place to be where pupils are cared for well.
Headteacher Louise Aird, said: “I am delighted that the hard work, dedication and fabulous efforts of our children, staff and governors have been recognised in this inspection report. Our children inspire and motivate us and we could not be prouder of them. It is extremely pleasing that the unwavering commitment to placing our children at the centre of all we do has been recognised. More than anything else I am thrilled for our families that their children attend a 'good' school - they deserve nothing less!"
The Governing Body was also praised for being effective and committed to working to ensure continuous improvement. Chair of Governors, Will Swann said: “Our headteacher, staff and pupils have all worked so hard for this outcome. We are very proud of them. We’ll go on working together so that every child who comes to Falconhurst School finds inspiration, happiness and success.”
Councillor Zoe Nolan, Lead Member for Children and Families, said: “Moving the school forward in such a relatively short space of time has been the result of the significant efforts of the staff and governors at Falconhurst. They have believed in their pupils, and with support from the local authority, have made the necessary changes to their teaching, learning and assessment to bring about this improvement.
“The council is committed to providing a good local school for every child and I’d like to congratulate everyone at Falconhurst for their dedication and hard work in making this a reality.”
Falconhurst School includes a nursery and provides education for 370 pupils aged three to 11.