Estates in Milton Keynes 'let down' by ‘thwarted’ £1bn housing repair plans

    Seven areas of MK were set to be refurbished over a fifteen-year period affecting 20,000 people but MK Council have admitted mistakes have been made in the process so far.

    The estates given priority for redevelopment include; Beanhill, Coffee Hall, Fullers Slade, Netherfield, North Bradville, the Lakes and Tinkers Bridge. The regeneration will affect 8,500 homes in need of repair.

    The first letters regarding redevelopment were sent out to residents of Fullers Slade in April 2017 with a timetable of when the building work is due to begin in 2019.

    YourMK, a partnership between MK Council and Mears Group, was founded to consult with local people on the regeneration plans and oversee the project. However, MK Council have admitted mistakes had been made in the consultation and planning process so far saying it had, “instigated a pause to allow time to reflect on residents’ wishes.”

    The chairman of Fullers Slade Residents Association has resigned after claiming the council was not engaging with them on their ideas and plans were “thwarted.” 

    He told the BBC, “Every time we made moves forward we were just thwarted and, a year later, there's only one report on the estate and that's the report I produced. "In the end, I said 'we're letting the estate down' and I'm not prepared to do that."

    In addition, the service director for housing regeneration at the council told the BBC, “There have been mistakes on all sides and the council acknowledges things could have been better.

    "It's clear that not all residents feel engaged, but we've been reviewing the way we work. 

    "Our proposals will be put forward to cabinet in July and my hope is they will make a difference and we'll be in a better position to work with residents."

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