Do you know someone who goes the extra mile to help others?

    The Mayor of Milton Keynes is calling on residents to nominate those people who have made an impact in our community for the Milton Keynes Local Heroes Awards 2022.

    It’s the time of year when the Mayor of Milton Keynes asks you to nominate those residents or groups of people who’ve made a real impact in the community in the last year. And what a year it’s been! So many shining examples of people who’ve put others before themselves as they’ve sought to help each other through the many trials and tribulations of the last 12 months. 

    This year’s “Local Heroes awards” will obviously include those who’ve made a contribution to recovery projects as a result of Covid-19, but they’re not exclusively aimed at that. It’s aimed at anyone, individuals or perhaps community groups who’ve gone the extra mile and selflessly stepped up to help others and to make a real difference. And now, the mayor of Milton Keynes, Mohammed Khan is asking you to put forward those who’ve sought to make MK a better place this year. 

    “It's been another challenging year for residents of Milton Keynes but I am heartened to see how the community has responded” says Cllr Khan. “Over the last year I have heard so many generous and inspiring stories but I know I have only heard of a fraction of these. This is an opportunity for individuals to give recognition to those unsung heroes that we should hear about.”

    Do you know someone deserving?

    Fill in the submission form below with the name of the person you want to nominate (together with 300 words saying why) which will be sent to the Mayor's office for judging.

    Please obtain consent from the Nominee before providing their contact information. We will need their contact information for the awards.

    • Nominees must not have already received any other major award.

    • Nominators cannot nominate an immediate family member i.e. child, parent, sibling.

    • Nominations close at 23.59 on Wednesday 20 April 2022.

    • The Milton Keynes Local Heroes Awards will take place on Thursday 12 May 2022 at Milton Keynes Council.

    Nominate your local hero now

    Terms and Conditions

    • You may only submit one nominee for one category.
    • Nominators cannot nominate an immediate family member i.e. child, parent, sibling.
    • All nominees will be considered for the Mayor’s Award which is the overall award.
    • Nominees reserve the right not to be named in the awards ceremony. A brief description of the nomination reasons will be given.
    • Organisers reserve the right to change the category that the nominee is entered for.
    • Data Protection Privacy Statement: Your information will be processed by the MKFM site and sent directly to the Milton Keynes Council Mayors Office to be used by the Mayors Office and Democratic Services at MK Council for the purposes MK Mayor’s Award. We require the above entry information for the purposes of informing the nominator, nominee and their parents/carer of the results of the competition. Winners information will be shared within MK Council and judges for the purpose of the Award and passed on for media purposes when consent is provided. Some of the applications may be used as positive stories with identities/schools etc hidden and shared with the public. Information not needed or used will be disposed of securely and all applications will be destroyed at the end of the process. We work within MK Councils Data Protection statement which can be found here. 

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