Decision next week on controversial new ALDI store proposed for historic mural site in Milton Keynes

    Local councillors will take a decision next week on a controversial new ALDI store in Milton Keynes, which would see the removal of a historic mural on the proposed site.

    ALDI have applied for a new store to be situated at the Stantonbury Centre, Purbeck, Stantonbury.

    It would see the demolition of the existing retail and commercial units as well as reconfiguration of adjacent car parking and associated landscaping, as well as the removal of the 'Bicycle Wall Mural'.

    The mural is located on gable end wall of one of the buildings. It covers almost the entire gable and as such is substantial in size.

    It is formed of smaller format ceramic tiles, individually detailed to from the larger picture. The mural itself credits ‘John Watson 1977-78’ then separately, ‘assisted by Barry Brown and friends’.

    The plans have been objected to by Milton Keynes Council's Public Arts Officer, the Council's Conservation and Archaeology Department as well as nineteen neighbours and third parties including MK Forum, Asda Store Ltd and The Public Arts Trust.

    ALDI have proposed to pay to relocate the wall as a feature elsewhere in the locality/within the parish boundary as well as commission a potential new art project to capture life in Stantonbury as it is now.

    Stantonbury Parish Council now officially back the proposal following discussions with ALDI on the relocation of the mural. 

    Local ward councillor Cllr Alex Walker also backs the new store, adding that 'the area is in real need of the regeneration Aldi are offering'.

    But the mural proposal is not enough to secure the support of Milton Keynes Council's Public Arts Officer who says: "'Overall I am unable to support the proposal for the Bicycle Wall removal and relocation until such a time as the points above are addressed and relevant and specialist information is presented for consideration."

    The Development Control Committee will come to a final decision next Thursday evening, with council planning officers recommending the store for approval.

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