The Parks Trust launches city-wide Litter Poster competition!
The Parks Trust and Milton Keynes City Council are proud to launch the 2025 litter poster competition. Below are more details about the competition and how to enter.
The Litter Poster Challenge:
Your mission is to create a poster that can be the face of The Parks Trust’s anti-litter campaign for 2025.
Your design needs to encourage people to stop littering across Milton Keynes. Littering increased last year, polluting our local environment, harming wildlife and damaging our planet.
The winning poster will be displayed in the parks, in local parish council facilities and on social media.
Milton Keynes City Council’s Environment and Waste team and The Parks Trust are teaming up to launch this competition for all MK Primary Schools to enter. Winners will receive a set of 10 litter pickers for their school, and a free Outdoor Learning session with The Parks Trust if your school can accommodate it. The winning artist will also get a goodie bag.
Sarah Griffiths, Outdoor Learning Manager at The Parks Trust says “Litter remains a significant problem in Milton Keynes and the negative impact on our wildlife and wider environment is huge. We hope that highlighting the issue will remind people to take their litter home and recycle as much as they can. We always get a great response from children and schools across MK to take part in the competition, and it's wonderful to see their passion for the natural world. Both The Parks Trust team and the City Council are really looking forward to seeing what they create this year.”
Councillor Akash Nayee from Milton Keynes City Council says:"The Parks Trust litter poster competition is a great way to use your creativity for a cause that matters. Your artwork can inspire others to take pride in keeping our environment clean and beautiful for everyone."
How to enter:
You can either send in your entry by post (with your name, school name and teacher’s name or parent’s name and contact details) or upload your entry online (scanned in or a good quality photo). Please visit theparkstrust.com/litterposter for more information and competition terms and conditions.
Closing Date of Competition: Friday 25th April. There will then be a public vote for the top posters!
Advice/Success Criteria
Please include one of these key messages:
· Take your litter home to recycle
· If the bin is full, take your litter home
· Leave nothing but footprints
Entries should be:
· A4
· Eye-catching and easy to understand
· Include images and only a limited amount of text.
Think about:
· Content of images – Think about the benefits of taking litter home and the problems litter causes
· Colours – bright colours will attract more than black and white
· Drawings – make sure they are clear. It is important that the images are your own and not traced from a book etc. You can use digital illustrations or photos but they must be your own.
· If you are using text, think about your language – is it simple and short? Make sure it is easy to understand.
The Parks Trust team and City Council look forward to reviewing this year’s entries and wish all those entering the very best of luck!