A local pharmacist has collated the following information which you may find useful during the coronavirus pandemic...
The NHS website has a Health at Home page. This has lots of useful information about how to manage health related activities from home, including contacting your surgery, ordering prescriptions and managing overall health and wellbeing: https://www.nhs.uk/health-at-home/.
NHS urgent and emergency care services are still operating during the coronavirus pandemic. It is important that people continue to seek medical help for serious conditions. If it’s not a life-threatening emergency and immediate medical attention is not required, please consider other options before dialling 999.
For example:
- Self care at home
- Using the NHS 111 online service, or calling 111 if you don’t have internet access
- Talking to a pharmacist
- Calling your GP
Choosing the best service for your needs will ensure the ambulance service is able to respond to the people who need help the most.
For life-threatening emergencies Call 999 in a medical emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
Medical emergencies can include:
- Loss of consciousness
- An acute confused state
- Fits that aren’t stopping
- Chest pain
- Breathing difficulties
- Severe bleeding that can’t be stopped
- Severe allergic reactions
- Severe burns or scalds
Call 999 immediately if you or someone else is having a heart attack or stroke. Every second counts with these conditions.
Also, call 999 if you think someone has had a major trauma, such as after a serious road traffic accident, a stabbing, a shooting, a fall from a height, or a serious head injury.
Milton Keynes Hospital has seen the number of children who need emergency care fall during the lockdown. Medics are reminding parents that emergency departments continue to provide urgent assessment and treatment for all illnesses and injuries during the Covid-19 pandemic. See the separate attachment and read more here https://www.mkuh.nhs.uk/news.
Spectrum Community Arts Ltd provide online performing arts workshops for people with disabilities and additional needs. Find out more on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/spectrumca/.
Sunflower Lanyards - Supermarkets are asking people to shop alone to help stop the spread of coronavirus, however for some people this is not practical. If you see a person wearing a sunflower lanyard, please be aware this person has a hidden disability and may need extra time and help, and it may be impractical for them to stay at home alone. Find out more about the Hidden Disabilities website https://hiddendisabilitiesstore.com/.
Mencap provides information about supporting someone with a learning disability and accessible guides in an easy read format: https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/health/coronavirus-covid-19.
The National Autistic Society has produced information to support autistic people and their families: https://www.autism.org.uk/services/helplines/coronavirus.aspx.
Community Action MK have matched 100+ volunteers with a number of local groups and organisations, including through roles such as food delivery, support to hearing impaired individuals, equipment delivery and emotional support. If your organisation needs volunteers, do get in in touch! info@communityactionmk.org.
Click here to read an information leaftlet for parents about when to seek medical help if your child is unwell.