Council clears up homeless people's tents in Central Milton Keynes

    Image Credit: Destination MK

    Due to the success of ensuring rough sleepers are able to access accommodation, many tents in Milton Keynes city centre have now been abandoned.

    On Monday 16th July, Milton Keynes Council and its waste services partner SERCO, in cooperation with MKCCM, removed six confirmed abandoned tents in CMK.

    In all cases, they contained dangerous waste including drug paraphernalia.

    No tents that were deemed to be inhabited would have been removed.

    Removal notices were placed on tents believed to be uninhabited last week, giving 48 hours’ notice of the clean up to allow any personal effects to be removed.

    Any usable tents and personal possessions will be held for a further 14 days and available for collection before anything is disposed of.

    Pete Marland, Leader of Milton Keynes Council, said:  “No-one needs to be on the street in MK as our Housing First programme means rough sleepers are offered a home while we work with them on the often complex reasons they became homeless.”

    "By increasing support and accommodation, we’ve helped nearly 50 people move off the streets this year.”

    “As a result, we need to clear items that have been abandoned or that are dangerous, but it will be done carefully and with respect.”

    If you or someone you know is sleeping rough or could be in danger of becoming homeless then contact MKC’s Homelessness Prevention Team on 01908 253481, or visit the Civic Offices opposite the central library and ask to speak to a member of the team.

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