The Conservatives claim the Labour-led MK Council's own figures show close to one in 5 Council homes in Milton Keynes are deemed non-decent.
It means the Council is one of the worst in the country maintaining its own housing stock. The average percentage of non-decent Council homes in England is 13%, in Milton Keynes it is 23%.
Examples of how a home could fail to meet the decent home standard include if:
* there are hazards in your home such as persistent damp or a heating or electrical system that is in poor condition;
* the bathroom has not been improved in the last 30 years;
* the kitchen doesn't have enough space;
* it isn't warm because of an inefficient heating system or ineffective insulation.
The figures were published as part of this year's Budget. That Budget also shows that far from planning to invest in Council homes, despite a huge £75million backlog of repairs, the Council plans to increase the Housing reserves to £85.9million by 2022.
Opposition Conservative Cllr and Spokesperson for Housing and Homelessness Cllr Catriona Morris said:"I am shocked to see these figures. There will be a huge amount of anger from Council tenants who have been working hard and paying their rent only for tens of millions to be stashed away.. This is not the Council's money. It should be being invested to repair and maintain the housing stock. Labour always criticise private landlords but it seems Labour are the most unscrupulous landlords of them all!. Some of Milton Keynes most vulnerable residents live in Council properties, it is shameful we are failing to take care of them."
Conservative Councillors are also concerned that the budget doesn't seem to include specific allowance to fund regeneration, despite Serpentine Court voting for full demolition just two weeks ago.