Milton Keynes Council would like residents to help shape the future of Central Bletchley.
Milton Keynes Council is preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Central Bletchley and would like residents to contribute.
The SPD is a formal planning document which will set out design guidance for the area covered by the Central Bletchley Prospectus.
The SPD will help deliver the future vision for Central Bletchley, including East West Rail.
It will provide valuable information for landowners and developers on the design principles which should be addressed in planning applications for new development.
MK Council says the involvement of local people and businesses is an important part of the SPD’s preparation process.
The council has created an interactive website where residents can share ideas and see what other people are saying.
Residents are being asked to head over to the website to explore ideas, views and to help by expressing their own thoughts.
You can read more or have your say here.