Conservatives claim the biggest threat to Milton Keynes is another year of Labour wasting taxpayers hard earned money

    Leader of the MK Conservatives Alex Walker responds to Labour leader Peter Marland over budget cuts

    Conservatives claim the financial mismanagement and waste of taxpayers’ money of Labour-led Milton Keynes Council over the past four years has been branded ‘reckless’ and ‘unsustainable.’


    Over the past four years huge sums have been diverted from front line services due to poor decision making, that includes:


    •             £10.8 million spent on a Council Office refurbishment that is now more than £5million over budget;

    •             almost £1 million of damages handed out to a company after an asbestos contract blunder;

    •             and £8 million wasted on interest rates after borrowing 3 years too early on the waste treatment facility.  


    Leader of the MK Conservatives Cllr Alex Walker said:


    “The biggest threat to Milton Keynes is another year of Labour wasting taxpayers’ hard earned money.


    “Labour have wasted millions on the Council offices refurbishment, they have stashed £50 million into reserves and failed to tackle the big challenges Milton Keynes’ faces. Their financial mismanagement is reckless and unsustainable.


    “Labour can try and hide from their failures on potholes and homelessness, but residents will not be fooled.


    “We have a plan for change that we will be proud to implement if we win on Thursday. That will include delivering a balanced budget that will deliver better services and better value for money.”

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