Concern from Milton Keynes’ MPs on Labour Council’s Expansion Plans

    The concerns follow MK Council's MK Futures 50 plans for massive house expansions and a population increase.

    MPs Iain Stewart and Ben Everitt support new housing to meet local demand, however they believe the plans will place too great a strain on local services, infrastructure, and will damage the environment. They also believe it will undermine the basic structure of Milton Keynes.

    Milton Keynes Council have drawn up plans to expand Milton Keynes beyond the Council’s boundaries to reach neighbouring towns. These include Buckingham, Leighton Buzzard and Northampton. The population is also set to reach 500,000 by 2050; doubling the population in 30 years.

    The MPs have highlighted the need for affordable housing in Milton Keynes to be addressed before the city is expanded.

    Iain Stewart, MP for Milton Keynes South, said:  “Any plans for new housing must be thought-through carefully and be made in conjunction with our neighbours as part of a wider Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge corridor. We have over 20,000 unbuilt new houses already agreed. Why are we not concentrating on building those, and then taking time to think about what additional housing might be needed in the long-term? New homes should be built to support economic growth and not be simply to meet an artificial number.”

    Councillor Peter Marland, Leader of Milton Keynes Council, responded to the criticism saying that the Labour-led Council is being "grown up about having a conversation on growth". To read his full response, and to find out more about MK Futures 50, click here:

    Alex Walker, Leader of MK Conservative Councillors, added: "The extent of Labour-led MK Council's expansion plans are reckless and will destroy all we love about Milton Keynes."

    Residents can comment on the plans here:

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