Thames Valley Police have issued a closure order on a flat in North Ninth Street.
The order was granted by Milton Keynes Magistrate’s Court on Thursday 16 December and lasts for three months.
Officers applied for the order against the property on North Ninth Street, Milton Keynes, following a number of reports of criminal and anti-social behaviour.
The full closure order prohibits anyone from entering the property apart from representatives from the local authority and the police.
Anyone else who now enters the address will commit a criminal offence.
Investigating officer PC Andy Hipkin, based at Milton Keynes police station, said: “As part of a block of flats, this property has been the source of significant frustration for those living nearby. This closure order demonstrates that we deal robustly with reports like this and I believe it will have a positive impact on the quality of life of residents.
“I would particularly like to thank Milton Keynes Council for their assistance in obtaining this closure order which means we can stop this property from being used for criminal purposes and help bring some peace and calm to those who had been impacted by the noise and disruption.”
Reports of anti sociable behaviour can be made here.