Cineworld is planning to reopen their cinemas on the 10th of July with new safety measures in place.
The opening date is subject to final clarifications and confirmation in regards to UK government restrictions, says Cineworld bosses.
However, they have been busy putting new measures in place to ensure the cinemas can reopen safely when the time comes. These include:
Seating in the screens
Family and friends will be able to sit together whilst ensuring a safe distance between customers from other households. The number of customers allowed in one screen will vary on the capacity and layout.
Staggered film times
Film times will be staggered to reduce the number of customers crossing paths when coming in/out of cinema screens. This should also reduce crowd build-up in the foyer and allow staff to thoroughly clean the screens between films.
Social distancing
Employees and customers will be required to follow social distancing rules.
Hand washing
Employees will follow strict hand washing guidelines. Toilets (for both employees and customers) will be fully stocked with anti-bacterial soap.
Hand sanitiser
There will be hand sanitiser available for staff and customers.
Additional cleaning
There will be additional cleaning taking place throughout the cinema including regular sanitising of high touch points.
Tickets will be available to be booked in advance (via the website and Cineworld app). Confirmation emails will be used as tickets, and e-tickets are available on the app.
Perspex screens
These will be at till points where social distancing cannot be followed.
Contactless payments
Tills will be accepting contactless card payments up to £45, and there will be no limit on Apple/Android pay.
Staff training and PPE
Staff will receive COVID training and will be provided PPE when necessary.
Source: Cineworld.co.uk