'Christmas is cancelled' for Milton Keynes - here are the new festive rules for our city

    Christmas bubbles have been cancelled for Milton Keynes as the city prepares to enter Tier 4 from midnight tonight.

    It means people will not be able to mix with other households as previously planned.

    Those in Tier 4 areas are being ordered not to stay overnight away from home or travel abroad for holidays, while people in other areas are being advised not to enter Tier 4 areas - and not to travel generally if they can avoid it.

    Under England's new highest level of restrictions, only one person from a household can meet with another person from a different household outside, although exemptions will continue for support bubbles and childcare bubbles.

    The Prime Minister announced the move for our city at a press conference this afternoon.

    Tier 4 will be the strictest set of coronavirus measures in England and comes just hours after Milton Keynes entered Tier 3 restrictions earlier this morning.

    The Tier 4 measures will see all non-essential shops, gyms, and hairdressers close, with people ordered to stay home apart from limited exceptions such as work - if people cannot work from home - education, childcare and exercise.

    These are the Tier 4 rules in full:

    • Stay at home - this will be put into law so fines will apply if you do not have a relevant excuse
    • Exemptions include people needing to travel for education, childcare and exercise
    • Unlimited exercise allowed outdoors
    • Do not enter Tier 4 areas from other areas and do not leave Tier 4
    • Tier 4 residents must not stay overnight away from home
    • Work from home if you can
    • Gyms closed
    • Non-essential retail closed
    • Indoor leisure closed
    • Indoor entertainment closed
    • Personal care sector closed
    • Communal worship can take place
    • One person can meet just one other person from another household outside - exemptions for support and childcare bubbles
    • Do not travel abroad apart from if needed for work

    Read more here.

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