Captain Tom’s Army of Hope is growing each day as the #WalkWithTom campaign has entered its second week.
The campaign was launched at the start of the November lockdown by Captain Sir Tom and his family, who live just down the road from Milton Keynes in Marston Moretaine.
It encourages people to #WalkWithTom, spreading hope and easing loneliness. They are urging everyone to “walk to help yourself; talk to help someone else and give, if you can, to help everyone”. It follows Captain Tom’s inspirational walk during the first lockdown when he completed laps of his garden in the build-up to his 100th birthday.
During its first week, thousands have used the campaign as inspiration and motivation and have been sharing their walks on social media using #WalkWithTom
The Captain Tom Foundation has now also been boosted by the support of London Marathon Events, working pro bono to support the campaign.
Hannah Ingram-Moore, Captain Sir Tom’s Daughter and Co-Founder of The Captain Tom Foundation, said: “Following the launch of #WalkWithTom we’ve been inundated with messages of support and were aware we had a huge opportunity to drive further positive impact. The additional support of London Marathon Events will allow us to do just that, engaging supporters from across the country, maybe even the world, to join us on our mission”.
Hugh Brasher, Event Director of London Marathon Events, said: “We are very proud to have been asked by The Captain Tom Foundation to support the #WalkWithTom campaign. Captain Tom is a truly extraordinary man who has provided hope and motivation to millions during these very challenging times. We are honoured to work with him and his family to help inspire as many people as possible to join Captain Tom’s Army of Hope.”
How to get involved and be part of Captain Tom’s Army of Hope:
#WalkWithTom by meeting someone and walking together (socially distanced, of course) or by calling someone as you walk. You can also walk to raise money for charity, just as Captain Tom did during the first lockdown, or make a donation to the charity of your choice. Share your story using #WalkWithTom. You’ll be in very good company;
Lando Norris, McLaren Formula 1 driver, said:
“Captain Tom is an absolute legend to me and I’m sure millions around the UK feel the same. I really encourage people across the country to join the #WalkWithTom movement and support those struggling with mental health at this difficult time. I will be on my track walks each race weekend doing my bit .”
The Captain Tom Foundation was founded in May 2020 following Captain Tom’s heroic efforts to raise money for the NHS during the first lockdown when his 100 laps of the garden raised an astonishing £38.9 million.