Bradwell Abbey Scout Group in Milton Keynes invite you to join them

    All sections are open to boys and girls ages 6 - 14. Scouting is open to all and we are an inclusive organisation.

    This was the question posed to Scouts (boys and girls aged 10 to 14) at Bradwell Abbey Scout Group as they planned their walk using a map and compass. The answers included camping, fire lighting, chip shop survey, pioneering and earning badges. When they were asked to describe Scouts in three words, Cheuk-Uei, Lincoln and Charlie said, “Exciting, friends and fun”.

    Young Leaders Megan and Victoria detailed that their involvement as a Scout and Explorer Scout (boys and girls aged 14 to 17) had helped them learn and develop skills for life. These included teamwork, leadership, social skills and self-confidence. They added, “Being involved in Scouts gives you great opportunities to make new friends, try different activities, be able to express yourself, be ourselves and have freedom in a safe environment.”

    In a recent report by Steph Simmons she said, “Joining scouts will lead to lasting memories and thrilling experiences for your child which will expand their self-belief, helping them realise there’s nothing they can’t achieve, whilst having fun! Whether it’s camping under the stars, navigating obstacle courses, canoeing on a river, or participating in international jamborees, scouts enjoy an array of exciting activities that fuel their sense of adventure.”

    Bradwell Abbey Scout Group currently have Beavers (6 to 8), Cubs (8 to 10), and Scouts 10 to 14). All sections are open to boys and girls. Scouting is open to all and we are an inclusive organisation. For more information about the Group, please contact Ian on

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