Carers MK remind local residents they are here to support them, in the lead up to Carers Week 8th - 14th June 2020.
If you are looking after someone who cannot manage without your support then you are a carer and Carers MK are here to support you.
Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic the local charity are finding that many unpaid family carers are providing additional care.
Many are concerned about putting their loved ones at risk by allowing paid carers into their homes so they are refusing help and providing that extra support themselves.
Older carers with loved ones in nursing homes or residential care cannot visit them - which is understandably causing upset and distress.
Many young carers and young adult carers cope daily with anxiety and isolation. Managing lockdown alongside caring makes this challenge even harder. They are often worried about their studies and when they might see their friends again. As their responsibilities increase the opportunity to have a break and be a child can be denied.
How to get support
Carers MK provide a phone or virtual support service or if you would like to speak to other carers, they offer a range of virtual support groups, information sessions and activities. Get in touch to find out about their programme of events during carers week (8th - 14th June)
Carers MK service is free, you can register by calling 01908 231703 - 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday or visit their website here and complete the registration form. For young carers a professional referral form is preferred, this is downloadable from their website.