Anti-Donald Trump protest coming to Milton Keynes

    A protest against US President Donald Trump is being organised in Milton Keynes this Saturday.

    Unite Community Milton Keynes have organised the protest against Trump, who is coming to the UK on Friday 13th July. 

    The event is part of a regional day of action which is happening in other towns all over the South East of England.

    Starting at 11am outside The Point in Central Milton Keynes, the group are planning to have a street stall and engage the public on why they are against the visit to the UK by Donald Trump.

    This action is supported by other groups within Milton Keynes who want to show solidarity to other groups who are holding similar events.

    Ricky Oates, Unite Community Group Lead and Local Branch Secretary said: “When Donald Trump announced an earlier visit to the UK he cancelled as the response was not what he was expecting. This president of the USA is trying to run America as a business which it clearly is not.”

    ”His visit to the UK will see thousands descend on London on July 13th to send a very clear message to him, that his views and beliefs are not welcome here in the UK. In Milton Keynes we wanted to give those who are unable to get to London on the day the chance to join the protest and say ‘you are not welcome here’.”

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