A leading councillor is to start discussions on how the council could promote the eating of meat-free food in Milton Keynes.
Cllr Jenny Wilson-Marklew (Lab, Stony Stratford), MK Council’s cabinet member for climate and sustainability was responding to a question from an animal rights campaigner.
Speaking at the full council Virgina Bell outlined her view that the “production and consumption of meat and dairy” drives climate change, adds to pollution and is a factor in ill health.
She said: “To help reverse these dangers, I ask the council to lead by example by enacting a policy of not serving meat and dairy on council premises, and of offering plant-based meals instead, preferably organic.”
She also wants schools to phase out meat and dairy products in favour of plant-based meals.
She asked: “Can you commit to action on this crucial matter which involves promoting improvements for our city’s nutrition and health, and improvements for the health of the planet?”
Cllr Wilson-Marklew admitted that the issue was “something that hadn’t necessarily occurred to me as an area that we should be exploring as a council.”
She added that she couldn’t make any promises but added: “I am going to bring it up with the relevant parties.
“It’s an important issue and I am very happy to take that forward and have the discussion more widely.”
Cllr Wilson-Marklew, speaking at Wednesday’s meeting of the full council, said she thinks the council has a role around “educating people and informing them of the benefits.
“I would be keen to have a conversation about the ways we can help people make different choices that are better for the planet.”
Virginia Bell responded by naming councils that no longer serve meat at their events and said MK could do this to “set a good example.”
In another council area she said the council arranged for schools to have at least one meat free day every week.
“I do urge the council to discuss this more and take this seriously and do something about it,” she added.
And Cllr Wilson-Marklew concluded: “Yes, I agree and I am going to take this forward and have a further discussion with our officers and see what steps can be taken.”
© MKFM News 2020