Following concerns from residents of Nottingham Grove on the Manor Park estate, action has been taken to clarify the ownership of land at the rear of Nottingham Grove.
Residents and councillors were concerned that the land was owned by a private developer and it might be at risk of development.
However, the situation has proved to be far more complex.
Initial information suggested the site was privately owned and the adjoining Barleyhurst Park on the battles estate was owned by Milton Keynes Council, who have maintained it for over 30 years.
Councillors have confirmed ownership of the land with the Land Registry and identified part of it is owned privately and part of it is owned by Milton Keynes Council.
Councillor Nigel Long said: "Whilst I think the Barleyhurst park site is safe from development, as it is included as open space in the local Neighbourhood Plan and the MK Council Local Plan, I want to ensure both parts of the park are properly maintained and improved."
Cllr Long said he would like to see the privately owned part of Barleyhurst Park properly identified as a park and its future management placed legally with the Parish Council, and the Milton Keynes Council owned area transferred to the Parish Council, so that both of these pieces of land can be maintained together to be enjoyed and protected.
He added: "Barleyhurst Park is a lovely area of open space in the heart of West Bletchley and I’ll be continuing my work with the Parish Council to hopefully achieve my aims for the area. We need to improve the open spaces, protect them from future development and maintain the woodland areas."