75% of local residents say Milton Keynes is stepping up to tackle climate change, according to research

    More than three quarters of residents also said they would like all new build homes to come pre-fitted with solar panels.

    75% of just under 1,000 local people surveyed on behalf of MK Council believe MK’s leaders, communities and individuals are actively working towards Milton Keynes becoming a sustainable city.

    When asked to rank what they could do more or less of personally, most people said they would try to produce less waste, recycle more, and cut car journeys.

    Cllr Jennifer Wilson-Marklew, Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Sustainability said: “Our ambition is for Milton Keynes Council to be carbon neutral by 2030 and for Milton Keynes to become one of the world’s leading sustainable cities.

    “There’s lots we’re already doing as a Council, and it’s really encouraging to see so many people have climate change and carbon reduction on their personal agenda too.  We’re all in this together.

    “If you can, this is the time to make more sustainable choices, whether that’s switching off lights when you leave a room, eating less meat or walking short journeys.  Upgrading to better home insulation or greener power isn’t affordable for everyone yet, but we’ll keep lobbying and unlocking funding where we can, to bring this into reach for more people.”

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