12 Days of winter animation helps people in Milton Keynes to get the right care

    Watch the new animation released by the NHS Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group.

    With Christmas fast approaching it can be a very exciting time of year as we prepare for the big day. But Christmas can also be a time of eating and drinking too much, accidents in the kitchen resulting in burns, where would you go for help?

    With the healthcare services more limited over the Christmas holidays, it’s vital that people know where and how to access services over the holiday period. NHS Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has created their very own animation which offers advice, tips and messages about staying well this winter.

    The animation provides a fun way of accessing information about how to stay well in the cold weather such as keeping in control of any long term conditions, remembering repeat prescriptions and getting the flu jab. The animation offers information about the range of health services such as NHS 111, local pharmacy and how to eat healthily this month.

    Dr Nicola Smith, at NHS Milton Keynes CCG said: “It’s important to be prepared for winter and to make sure you have stocked up your medicine cabinet with items including cold and flu remedies, anti-diarrhoeal tablets, tissues and a first aid kit.

    “Also, if you have a prescription, make sure you pick it up before the busy Christmas period. We can all do our part to stay well by keeping warm, taking cold and flu remedies if we do begin to become ill and by having a flu jab.”

    The animation is a fun way of showing people how to stay well over winter and how to be prepared for the Christmas holidays. If you do fall ill over Christmas, remember there are lots of NHS services available to you. You can call NHS 111, visit a local pharmacy for advice and medication, and when your GP is closed you can call the GP Out of Hours Services or for urgent treatment visit your local minor injury unit or Urgent Care Centre.

    Click here to find your nearest local health care services.

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