The British Citizen Youth Award will be honouring 25 young people, including an 11-year-old from Milton Keynes, for making a difference.
Each inspirational young person will be presented at The Palace of Westminster with the BCyA Medal of Honour and given the opportunity to use the post-nominals ‘BCyA’ as a legacy of their achievements and service.
Thomas Brinsley, age 11 from Milton Keynes, will be honoured on 20th October 2022 with The British Citizen Youth Award.
After learning that one of his role models had been diagnosed with cancer earlier in the year, Thomas decided that he wanted to do something to help.
He started researching how he could make a difference and concluded that the most effective way was by fundraising for research, and to support other people suffering with this disease.
Thomas wanted to make the biggest impact that he could and raise as much money as possible, so decided to undertake a Triathlon, something he had never attempted before.
The Triathlon is a multi-discipline sport consisting of swimming, cycling, and running, often over long distances.
With the full support of his school, including teachers and parents and Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre, Thomas raised over £1,000.
To ensure that the money stretched as far as possible, and was put to the best use, Thomas chose to donate to The Lewis Foundation.
The Lewis Foundation is a charity which sources and provides support packs and gifts for people in hospital being treated for cancer at all stages. Relying solely on fundraising support and donations, Thomas encouraged his friend to also raise money for this worthy cause. Thomas is keen to continue fundraising, raising awareness and encouraging others to make a difference.
Each Medal of Honour bears the words ‘For the Good of the Country’ and is presented to only a small number of exceptional young individuals annually. The British Citizen Youth Award is widely viewed as the nation’s way of recognising extraordinary, everyday young people for exceptional endeavor and are truly representative of today’s multicultural Britain.
“Dame Mary is the valued Patron of the BCyA and committed to promoting the achievements of young people. The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow and we are humbled that Dame Mary, who is also founder of Specsavers, has put her name to this prestigious accolade allowing the BCyA to broaden its recognition of young people in society”, stated Mike Faulkner, Founder of the BCyA.
This unique accolade is only open to groups of young people aged 18 or under.
Only one group is selected to receive this honour and will be presented with an Official Presentation Plaque, Medal and Certificate of Honour.
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 medal presentations, register online here.