£100,000 available to community and voluntary groups across the Thames Valley

    Today (30/3), a new grant has been launched as an emergency response to the impact of coronavirus.

    The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley, Anthony Stansfeld, and the Chief Constable, John Campbell, have opened the grant, which is funded by the Police Property Act Fund (PPAF).

    The Fund, which is jointly managed by the PCC and the Chief Constable, is created from money recovered by the police and the proceeds from the sale of items that cannot be returned to identified owners, including seizures from criminals.

    The next round of the PPAF would not normally be available until the summer, however, it is being opened early in the hope that it can support organisations across the Thames Valley who are in urgent need because of the impact of coronavirus.

    Earlier this year, £166,800 was distributed to 42 different organisations in addressing Police and Crime Plan priorities and the PCC and Chief Constable expect to allocate around £100,000 in this grant round.

    Applications are now invited from local voluntary and community groups who have been, or can support the police in delivering the response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

    The closing date for this round of applications is 12pm Monday 20th April and applications will be considered jointly by the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Chief Constable.

    Anthony Stansfeld, Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, said: “I am pleased to launch another round of the Police Property Act Fund. Now more than ever, we are seeing what important work the voluntary and community sector is having on the efforts to support those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. We are pleased to be offering funding to those organisations who are supporting the police in delivering the response to this pandemic.

    “Working in partnership with both statutory and voluntary organisations is crucial when addressing issues such as the prevention and reduction of crime. We have taken the decision to launch this fund early so that we can support this sector, and therefore our communities, at this challenging time.”

    John Campbell, Chief Constable, said: “We are keen to receive bids from those organisations who have been supporting our officers in delivering the response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

    “Working together as a community is key for us to get through this difficult period and we want to do anything we can to support our communities - one way of which is launching this fund early.”

    Click here to find out more and to access the application form.


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