Show your support by getting creative at Camphill Milton Keynes

    Carly from the MKFM team went along to take part in the Camphill MK Tile Me a Story project. Read more to see why they are trying to raise funds for their huge build project in this unique way and how your tile will become a part of their future story.

    Our community, which supports adults with learning disabilities in Willen Park, invites you to be part of our story as we build new accessible homes. You are invited to make a ceramic tile to be part of our Tile Me a Story fundraising art piece for our Camphill MK site.

    Two years ago, we announced a monumental investment target of £15m to create new, much-needed, accessible housing for adults with learning disabilities. If you pass our Pennyland site, you’ll witness the first of six eco-houses rising from the ground, a tangible result of this significant investment. Our care team is eagerly planning to welcome new residents to these homes in Spring 2025.

    Our Tile Me a Story project will see local people making their own unique ceramic tile to help this build project happen.

    Our CEO, Tim Davies, said, “We are committed to creating quality accessible housing for those desperately in need. This will provide a secure home that adapts to and changes around the needs of the individual as they age. However, the costs attached to this are significant, so we ask you to help us create the homes and build community.”

    The crowd-funding project, a modern and creative twist on the standard ‘buy-a-brick’ schemes repeated around the country, is a celebration of all things Camphill. The tiles are made in the on-site ceramic studios by residents, with designs created in collaboration with both the residents and the general public, fostering a sense of inclusivity and community.

    Participants are invited to get involved in three levels:

    • If you donate £50, a Camphill MK resident will decorate your tile.  
    • If you donate £75, you can submit a design you would like recreated on your behalf – this might be something you have created or artwork by a loved one.
    • If you donate £150, you will be invited to Camphill MK for a three-hour workshop where you can decorate your own tile under the guidance of our experienced staff.

    Camphill MK Patron BBC’s Martha Kearney shared a personal connection to the project. “I bought a tile for the residents to decorate using artwork inspired by my brother-in-law Alastair, who sadly died three years ago.  I am proud that my tile will be part of an amazing artwork which is raising money for this vital project.”

    Businesses are also invited to book a Corporate Day, supporting team development of their staff whilst undertaking a creative project with a purpose and true value back to the charity. Watson & Cox Construction Ltd, which is building the houses, is using Tile Me a Story as a team-building project. They told us, “We see this as a great way to build creative thinking skills and team dynamics while funding something important. We are looking forward to our workshop to create our chapter of Tile Me a Story.”

    Everyone participating in the community-wide art project will also be invited to the presentation of the completed artwork in 2025, be featured in a digital gallery with their tile and the story behind it, receive a digital certificate, and be part of Camphill MK’s future story.

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