Brand new dual carriageway on A421 from M1 to Milton Keynes is now complete

    Work on the brand new dual carriageway, a £29.5m project, leading from the M1 to Milton Keynes is now complete.

    It has been reported that 30,000 cars a day use this route, meaning that the project's completion will have a "massive benefit" for those using it. 

    The improvement project, which was first approved in 2017, has seen the single carriageway be expanded into a dual carriageway. 

    The 3km of the road has been upgraded to better link Junction 13 of the M1 motorway in Central Bedfordshire with Milton Keynes. 

    The stretch runs from the roundabouts by the junction up to the new Eagles Rest housing development and the Altitude Magna Park logistics and distribution site in Milton Keynes.

    And it has been made possible by a partnership between Central Bedfordshire Council, Milton Keynes Council and SEMLEP (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership).

    As the majority of this section falls into Central Bedfordshire, they led on the project. SEMLEP contributed £23.5million from the Local Growth Fund towards this £29.5million project which was authorised by the Department for Transport (DfT), and both councils each contributed around £3million.

    SEMLEP says they prioritised this project as being "key" to supporting economic growth.

    Judith Barker, Director of Programmes & Governance at SEMLEP, added: "Locally it is going to lead to over 2000 jobs and homes so clearly that has real importance here. But beyond that it is part of the Oxford Cambridge Arc, and it's allowing better connectivity between those cities and all the places in between, so it has a real power to make the difference."

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