Restart A Heart Day

    Monday, 16 October 2023

    10:00 - 17:30
    Midsummer Place, Milton Keynes, MK9 3GB

    Restart A Heart Day - Your Two Hands Can Save A Life

    On Monday 16th October, local first aid training provider Medic 365 will be hosting a Restart A Heart event at Midsummer Place that aims to give the local community the crucial lifesaving skills to increase cardiac arrest survival rates in Milton Keynes.

    A cardiac arrest is the ultimate medical emergency – where the heart suddenly stops beating. Early defibrillation within 3–5 min of collapse can increase survival rates by up to 50-70%.

    Restart A Heart (RSAH), a Resuscitation Council UK initiative starts on 16 October and continues throughout the month. This year the campaign is focussing on defibrillation awareness and access to this lifesaving device.

    Recent data reveals that 61% of people aren’t confident enough to use a defibrillator, and research shows that access to one is lacking in the most deprived areas, which are among the communities at greatest risk of cardiac arrest.

    James Cant, CEO of Resuscitation Council UK, said: “Publicly available defibrillators are designed to be used by anyone, you don’t need training - it will provide clear instructions and talk you through what you need to do".

    ”Defibrillators are disproportionately placed in affluent areas; we need to change this and ensure they are located where the need is greatest. Anyone looking after a defib – such as those in charge of pubs, sports clubs, community centres, churches, village halls – should make it accessible to the public 24/7."

    During RSAH numerous events, both in person and online, will take place across the UK in schools, communities, and workplaces, to increase the number of people trained in CPR and defibrillation awareness.

    “With 80% of cardiac arrests happening in the home, it is vital that as many people as possible learn this lifesaving skill – It may be a loved one who suffers a cardiac arrest - and it’s crucial to begin CPR and defibrillation as soon as possible to help their chances of survival.” Said Dave Stanley, Medic 365 Training Solutions.

    Medic 365 Training Solutions has organised a Restart A Heart event that aims to give the local community these lifesaving skills to increase survival rates in Milton Keynes.

    The event will be held at 43 Midsummer Place (The Ping Pong Hall), Milton Keynes, MK9 3GA from 09:00 – 17:30.

    Medic 365 will be hosting a series of CPR and defibrillator awareness training sessions throughout the day.

    Training Session Times

    10:00 – 11:00: Restart A Heart - CPR Training Session
    11:00 – 12:00: Interactive Lifesaver Game Session
    12:00 – 13:00: Restart A Heart - CPR Training Session
    13:00 – 14:00: Interactive Lifesaver Game Session
    14:00 – 15:00: Restart A Heart - CPR Training Session
    15:00 – 16:30: Interactive Lifesaver Game Session
    16:30 – 17:30: Mini Medics – A fun course for children to learn CPR and crucial lifesaving skills.

    Those attending Medic 365’s CPR sessions on Monday will automatically be entered into our prize draw raffle with a Centre:MK gift card worth £100 up for grabs and cinema tickets for second prize.


    Midsummer Place
    67, Midsummer Place Central, Milton Keynes
    Milton Keynes
    MK9 3GB

    More details for this venue


    The event runs from 10:00 to 17:30 on the following dates.
    Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.

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