Goalkeeper Development Camp

    Runs until Friday, 21 February 2025 (See all dates)

    09:00 - 15:00
    Woughton On The Green Playing Fields, Milton Keynes, MK6 3EA

    At our MK Dons SET Goalkeeper Development Camps we provide specific training around all things Goalkeeping from Handling, Footwork, Distribution, shot stopping

    More Information (MKFM is not responsible for external websites)

    At our MK Dons SET Goalkeeper Development Camps we provide specific training around all things Goalkeeping from Handling, Footwork, Distribution, shot stopping, 1v1 and much more

    The plan for the day will go as follows

    Group Talk - GK Coaches to explain the plan for the day.

    Warm up - Which will consist of Handling, Footwork and different movements which will be link to the Topic for the day and to ensure the Goalkeepers are ready for the day.

    Technical Sessions - We will go through two Technical sessions which will be linked to the topic for the day, these sessions will allow the Goalkeepers to learn and understand through repetitions to allow then to develop the techniques required.

    Game Related - Progressing from the Technical sessions, we will now add this into a game related session with lot of progressions. This for the players to understand and see actions that might happen to help the their game understanding with different scenarios.

    Fun Games - Before lunch to finish the morning we will play games such as, GK Wars round robin, Multi goals, Score Move.

    Lunch - GKs will have lunch as a group, then have some free time where they can play FIFA, Table Tennis and Board game, Before we head back outside for the afternoon.

    Technical - After lunch we will go through a warm up and go through some technical practices link to the topic for the day

    Join Main Camp - All GKs will join the Main camp for the Small sided games tournament, where they can put the mornings learning into practice in the small sided games.

    Debrief - To finish the day off we will talk through what we did / learnt within the sessions. The coaches will all give away a medal and certificate for GK of the Day and Save of the Day.

    Our Goalkeeper Coaches look forward to meeting you at our Development Camp in February half term.


    Woughton On The Green Playing Fields
    The Pavilion, Newport Rd
    Milton Keynes
    MK6 3EA

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    The event runs from 09:00 to 15:00 on the following dates.
    Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.

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